Visiting Alas Kedaton, Tabanan, Bali

Alas Kedaton is a Monkey Forest located in Tabanan, Bali. This is definitely a place for MONKEY LOVERS! Even though the monkeys are more behaved and friendly compared to Sangeh and Uluwatu, it is a must to be escorted by a tour guide when you enter this place. The guide will instruct you on how to feed the monkeys and how to avoid too much L-O-V-E from the monkeys!

As at similar areas, the monkeys are always thrilled by the peanuts! You can buy peanuts at a booth provided in the garden for only Rp. 3000 approximately US$0.30 (30 cents). You are allowed to give the peanuts to the monkeys and they will play and climb on your shoulder, or actually, all over you! Sort of cool, if you like Monkeys, but still, be calm and careful!

Be really careful when you are in very close contact with the Monkeys, because sometimes, if they don’t understand your “affection” they might scratch or bite you. Fortunately, the monkeys are regularly injected; therefore they are tetanus-free.

I had a blast playing with the monkeys at this park! And I know you will too!! So,you should visit this park and experience it by yourself!!


Anonymous said...

aduh .. berani banget foto sama monyetnya, dulu waktu mengunjungi sangeh, takut banget sama monyet2 yang suka ngrayang2 itu ^_^

kegler747 said...

I don't know but I really hate monkeys. When I was in Bali a few months ago I intentionally avoided going to places that I know where monkeys live ;)

menjadimanusia said...

Oh... monyet... gw terus terang tidak bersahabat dengan mereka... cenderung bermusuhan... secara mereka pernah nyaris nyolong dompet gw... ugh... untung gak berhasil...

Anonymous said...

wah asik yach bisa jalan jalan ke bonbin besok besok ngajak ajak donk

Ernut said...

those monkeys love to grasp glasses..don't they?
btw, saya gak berani deket2 monyet, kuatir mereka kira saya emboknya..
salame kenal

Anonymous said...

not so fond of monkeys.. except when they are really veryyyyyyyyyyy small like tarsiers.. weee

Poppus said...

ya olo jeeeng, lu gak bilang sama gw kalo lu punya kembaran?!! ya oloo, lucuan kembaran loo aaah

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...the monkey looked sweet...read ur article make me afraid to them,hehehe...do they also steal?

Oman said...

that is a fun trip. the monkeys look awesome.

mencobahidup said...

he he he ga digodain ama monyet bu?Foto monkey interestnya bagus

Anonymous said...

Alas kedaton ya?
Haha... Jd ingat pas ke bali. Emang monyet ny jinak2 bgt. Aq jg smpat photo2 dg monyet ny.
Tp hati2,bagi yg membawa kantong kresek, monyet2 d sana ada bkat rampok loh, krn monyet2 itu mengira isi ny makanan.
Salam kenal ya...

Rintjez said...

# JelajahiDuniaEly:
Hihihi, kalo di Sangeh monyetnya bandel..nyebelin! Kalo yang disini baek2 mbak...pokoknya cuman mau KACANG! yang laen kayak kamera, jam, etc ga doyan..hehehe

# kegler747:
Hahahaha, sorry you have to hate them. I'm such a big fan of monkeys and orangutans :D

# daysandminds:
wakaka, kasian sekali monyet2 ini mendapat citra yang buruk. Padahal yang di alas kedaton beda euy.. mereka pada behave. Dompet gw dicolong, tapi sama monyetnya dibalikin soalnya mereka cuman mau KACANG! hihihi...

# Artha:
besok-besok pasti diajakin deh kalo mo jalan2... :)

# Ernut:
Hahahahaha, bau-nya sama makanya takut dikira emboknya...aahhh, mbak bisa aja deeehhh!!!

# Carlota:
Tarsiers are cute too! But never have chance to get up close and personal with them :)

# Brokolisehat:
aaahhh...masak sih lucuan kembaran gw?????

# Travel Accessories:
The monkeys are more behave and they don't steal in this place unlike the other parks :)

# Lawstude:
Yaayyy...finally there is one who thinks that the monkeys look awesome!!! Hahahaah!!

# mencobahidup:
gw yang godain monyetnya..hahaha!
naluri penggoda..biasa!!

# AiWY:
hihihi, iya mereka lucu dan friendly banget :) I love monkeys!!
salam kenal juga :D

Anonymous said...

lihat foto bareng monyet2 jadi inget waktu ke sangeh dgn anak2 bunda wah pada berebutan mau ngasih kacang..
makasih foto2 nya jadi bikin nostalgia

Anonymous said...

belum ada posting baru ya mbak?
di tunggu loh...

hardrock said...

Mas.. mas.. piaraannya tuh lari..! mbok ya dikasih makan dong hhehe..