Berastagi, North Sumatera, Indonesia

Berastagi or Karo Highland is located in the North of Sumatera Island. Berastagi is a small city. However, this place becomes my favorite choice for weekend getaway when I lived in Medan, North Sumatera. If I wanted to be away from crowd city, busy streets and hectic jobs, I normally drove my car to go to this town with some friends for a day to find peace in my soul. Berastagi offers great view of high hills, green rice fields, various vegetable farms and colorful wild flowers.

Berastagi produces good quality fruits and vegetables, a couple of times my friends and I helped the local farmers to harvest tomatoes, carrots and oranges. When we drove the car and saw some farmers harvesting, we offered a hand to help and they always welcomed us warmly. Working with them was really fun. We worked for free! But normally the farmers gave us free and fresh fruits and vegetables to show gratitude!

Some other time, I visited a small church. The member of the church was only about 20 people and most of them don’t speak Bahasa Indonesia. They speak Karo dialect. Despite of the language barrier, it was a good feeling to worship God with them. I could feel the warmness of their hearts from their smiles.

Every time I visited Berastagi, I always tried to stop by at the beautiful Sipiso-piso waterfall. Cemented stairs are provided to make us easier to go down to the bottom of the waterfall where you can relax your minds or simple playing around. Always ready to get wet when you are there!

Sipiso-piso waterfall also offers the view of beautiful Lake Toba from West Coast. It is unbelievably remarkable! I could sit around the area forever just to appreciate the beauty of nature that God has created for us.

* Approximately 50 km away from Medan, this place is easy to be reached. You could drive your own car or take public transportation.


Anonymous said...

hohohoho...niiiiiice...i envy you..hehe

Anonymous said...

nice picture.. did you actually take those photos??? i thought you ride a helicopter or something to have a top view.. wee

menjadimanusia said...

cantik banget ya tempatnya... jadi keingatan Tentena... it was a very beautiful place... dan waktu gw di sana jg asik banget rasanya...

Anonymous said...

I love waterfalls! I actually jumped off in one instance but not that high like in the picture... maybe just 40-50 feet high :)

Enno said...

bulan desember, sambil nengok camer, aku janji mau kesini deh. janji! hahaha *sambil gregetan ngiri*

Anonymous said...

foto2nya cantik sekaliii
jadi pengin ke sana :)

escape said...

looks like paradise to me! stunning views.

Poppus said...

Nyooong, lu bikin gw ngiri aja deeeeeh. Eh eh, itu aer terjun keren amaat. Tau gak? sebelum gw tau berastagi itu dimana, gw dulu ngira kalo berastagi itu di pulau jawa hahaha

mencobahidup said...

horas bah again!Si butet keliling-keliling aja. Next time aku mau kesana tapi sekarang ngumpulin duit dulu.Selagi belum dirusak oleh kepentingan industri yang membabi buta.Ayo kita dukung industri yang tetap menjaga alam seperti industri pariwisata

Rintjez said...

# Natalia:
Jangan ngiri..kudu dateng kesana dong say... :)

# Carlota:
I did take those pictures by myself. I took it from a very high place :) I'm glad you enjoyed them :)

# daysandminds:
Iyah emang cantik banget tempatnya (kayak gw..hahaha, narsis!!)

# Ar-wee-der-yet:
Hoooaaa...really?? Did you do that?? COOL!! You love extreme sports, huh??

# enno:
ciee..yang mo ngunjungin camer..hihihi...suskes ya bu! Dan mudah-mudahan sempet mampir maen ke Berastagi :)

# elys welt:
Ayuukkk kudu kesana :) Dijamin ga rugi kok..emang bagus banget!

# the dong:
Paradise on earth :)

# brokoli sehat:
Nyyoonngg..gw bersyukur lu jadi tambah pinter setelah membaca blog gw karena lu jadi tau dimana letak Berastagi!! hahaha... Waduh, emang aer terjunnya TOPS abeess...

# mencoba hidup:
HORAS!!! cepetan ngumpulin duitnya..jangan kelamaan..hihihi :)

Anonymous said...

duh, seger bener matanya ngeliat yang ijo2...
bagus banget pemandangannya...
wish i were there...

explorepadang said...

Bumi ini punya banyak tempat menarik..
sebelum para pemodal besar dgn keserakahannya masuk,kemasi ransel kalian,datangi tempat mana saja..
Pake truk juga bisa,selalu ada senyum dan keramahan di belakang kemudi truk :)

i am nobe. said...

wow. nature! who wouldn't love green?



Trend Tattoo said...


nitip mas capa tau butuh gambar tattoo buat sharing

okey tolong di aprove coment saya ya