Lake Toba, North Sumatera, Indonesia

To be exact, Lake Toba is sited in a beautiful small town named Parapat which is about 5 hours driving from Medan. Lake Toba became a famous tourism object in Indonesia because it is the biggest lake in Indonesia. According to www.new7wonders.com Lake Toba is the LARGEST VOLCANIC LAKE in the WORLD at 100 km long, 30 km wide and approximately 505 m at its deepest point!

Personally, I would like to call it O-C-E-A-N! It’s just extremely H-U-G-E that I couldn’t really see the end of the lake when I visited this place. Amazingly, this gigantic lake has a small island in the middle that is named Samosir Island.

According to my research, Lake Toba existed because of super volcano explosion for about 75,000 years ago. After the explosion a caldera was created naturally and it formed a Lake. This Lake is called Toba which means beautiful bathing place. A high pressure to the surface by the magma which had not been released before cause Samosir Island formed.

This lake is also surrounded by green hills. I felt like I was in Austria when I visited Lake Toba. Well, I’ve never been to Austria. But being a big fan of Sound Of Music, the green hills and pastures look just the same with what I see in Lake Toba.

So in conclusion, why bother going to Europe if Indonesia also offers a million dollar view of green hills and amazingly gigantic lake?


Anonymous said...

Duch pengen banget tuch ke situ,kayaknya hobi kita sama dech, suka travel..hehe, sok nyama2in dech aku..By the way, where do you go on the next trip? Just curious, and are you always travel alone or with friend or what?

Rintjez said...

Hahaha, jaman sekarang traveling semakin mudah. Hampir semua orang suka traveling kayaknya :)

Kemaren malem aku barusan sampe dari Philippines. Rencananya end of the year mau ke Vietnam, Cambodia dan Laos. Bergabung?????

Gaya traveling aku mix. Haha. Biasanya janjian sama temen di kota/negara tujuan. Tapi traveling kesananya selalu sendiri. Jadi aku travel alone and with friends. Bingung kan??

Anonymous said...

jadi blog ini semacam liputan hasil jalan2 lo yak? seruww... kudu rajin ke sini nihh biar bisa berasa ikutan jalan2. hehehe...

makasih ud mampir di blog gw
sering2 yakk... :P

原味.风铃 said...

nice picture ya~
u take by urself?
in ur describe the lake, so extremely big! hope i can go there to travel~

Daniel said...

...awwww. Some great pics again! :) So... no need visiting Europe then :P

Rintjez said...

Iyah, ini traveling journal aku :) Mudah-mudahan enjoy deh baca liputannya ya :)

Makasih juga udah mampir..

Yes, I took those pictures by myself. I'm glad you like them :)

I do hope you can visit Indonesia someday, especially Lake Toba :)

Yupz, another pictures :)
Well, Europe is still on my traveling list. But I won't be rushing myself to go there :)

mhel said...

Beautiful. Is this by any chance a public recreational lake?

Rintjez said...

Asian Traveler:
Yes, it is also a recreational lake. You would see loads of local kids swimming in this lake :)

I might need to post the pictures :)

laurencia said...

duuh pengeeeeen ..hiks ..kapan ya bisa kesanaaa ..hiks ..gpp deh liat en baca udah kayak ngerasain hehehe.. puji TRuhan ada blog ini deh ...
keep posting ya sis ..
JLY ..en me too

Poppus said...

Monyong! foto-foto lu selalu keren! bikin ngiler. Btw, keep writing with passion ya girl!

gfgf said...

indah banget jadi pengen kesana. kayanya sejuk dehhhhh. ini perlu dijaga biar anak cucu kita liat ntar.

Rintjez said...

Thanks banget udah selalu mampir and enjoyed my traveling story :)
Pasti akan sering posting! JLY 2!

Brokoli Sehat:
Gillaaa...gw dibilang monyong!! hahaha! Pesan sponsor lu akan selalu gw inget Master Ughue! Write with passion!

Manusia Biasa:
Disana emang sejuk banget. Penginapan ga pake AC saking udah ademnya :) Iyah, emang harus alam Indonesia harus dijaga dan dilestarikan :)

Gadis said...

indah banget pemandangannya :)

Rintjez said...

Iya, indah pemandangannya...
Indonesia gitu lhooo!!!!!

Anonymous said...

waa...tgl 19 november 2009 aq jg keliling tao toba,ke merek,tongging,silalahi,tele,bakara,muara,balige,porsea,parapat,3ras,pemandangannya sudah berkurang indah,dan pengujung sepi..mungkin perlu di up grade lagi promosi wisatanya yaa...tp aq puaasss...banget.setelah 5 tahun..akhirnya...dan masih ingin balik lagiii...